If you are human, leave this field blank.Personal InformationOrganization Name *Contact Person *Email *Phone *Project DetailsThis project has a specific date that it is needed by:NoYesProject needed by this date:I need a: *Acrylic Vitrine OnlyPedestal OnlyDisplay Case (Vitrine and Pedestal)Quantity needed *You chose Acrylic Vitrine OnlyPlease answer the following: Vitrine DimensionsInside height of vitrine (inches)Inside depth of vitrine (inches)Inside width of vitrine (inches)Vitrine Material TypeStandard AcrylicUV Filtering AcrylicVitrine Security Screw HolesYesNoYou chose Pedestal OnlyPlease answer the following: Type of PedestalStandardArcadiaRoundPedestal FinishPrimed white (customer to paint later)Painted specific colorLaminatedHeight of pedestalWidth of pedestalDepth of pedestalYou chose Display Case (Vitrine and Pedestal)Please answer the following: Select Style of Case:Dacobe - TraditionalDacobe - Panel LegArcadiaExecutiveExcelsior - Hanging CaseExcelsior - Island CaseExcelsior - Wall CaseMannequinDacobe - Traditional Dacobe - Panel Leg You chose Dacobe Style display casePlease answer the following: Arcadia You chose Arcadia Style display casePlease answer the following: Executive You chose Executive Style display casePlease answer the following: Excelsior - Hanging Case Excelsior - Island Case Excelsior - Wall Case You chose Excelsior Style display casePlease answer the following: Mannequin You chose Mannequin Style display casePlease answer the following: Vitrine StyleRecessed vitrineEdge sitting vitrineCase StyleHanging Case - Hangs on wall with French cleat that is providedIsland Case - Comes with 3 shelves and 9 bracketsWall Case - Comes with 6 shelves and 18 bracketsVitrine DimensionsInside height of vitrine (inches)Inside depth of vitrine (inches)Inside width of vitrine (inches)Vitrine Material TypeStandard AcrylicUV Filtering AcrylicSecurity ScrewsYesNoPedestal DimensionsHeight of pedestal (inches)Width of pedestal (inches)Depth of pedestal (inches)Pedestal FinishPrimed white (customer to paint later)Painted specific colorLaminatedPedestal FinishPrimed white (customer to paint later)Painted specific colorPedestal WoodCherryWhite OakWalnutSlatwall ColorBlackWhiteAlmondOptionsToe KickYesNoRolling Casters instead of foot levelersYesNoHow many extra shelves? (optional)Shipping QuoteDo you need a shipping quote?NoYesZip Code merchandise is shipping to: *Do you need a delivery appointment? *NoYesDo you have a loading dock? *NoYesDo you need the displays to be moved inside of the building? *NoYesSpecial NotesCaptcha *For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 29Submit